Photoshop Express Tutorials — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Photoshop Express Tutorials

I've been out of the real world for the last 2 weeks, on a Firebrand training course in Oxfordshire trying to earn my MCTS accreditation for my day job. It was very very intense, save to say that I've shot absolutely no images for nearly 2 weeks now - that's not good! I've barely even managed to check my mail never mind keep on top of the plethora of feeds I subscribe too. Anyway, just a quickie tonight to point out this useful series of tutorials that John Arnold of is running on Photoshop Express. I've not had time to look at the product yet, but John's tutorials are very good, and well worth checking out if you're using it.

Click here for more - Photoshop Express Quicktip 5 - Adding fill light.
Originally uploaded by floyduk