Home is where the heart is but your heart had to roam. Drifting over bridges never to return.

Made one evening on the banks of the Mekong river in Luang Prabang, Laos, I was frantically running around with my tripod trying to find somewhere to set it. It wasn’t easy. The embankment was steep and slippery and the conditions changing at an alarming rate. In fact I very quickly made the decision simply to ditch the big gear and just shoot with my phone! The young fishermen here are absolutely fearless and scuttle about over the tops of the boats barefoot apparently without a thought of falling between the boats and getting crushed.

Everything is open. Nothing is set in stone. Rivers turn to ocean. Oceans tide you home.
Prints from £29.

Fishing boats in Birzebuggia harbour, Malta.

Having spent the night in a hotel nearby, I dragged myself out of my extremely comfortable pit, and headed out into the dark, much to the astonishment of the staff particularly when I didn’t want an airport transfer. Another location that I’d meticulously researched though didn’t quite pan out quite as expected. I ended up parking up and sneaking into a private car park to get as close to the shore as possible but still managing to keep both bridges in view. It was well worth it. The pre-dawn light show was absolutely stunning. Ranging from deep purple to bright orange right on the horizon, it didn’t last for very long but was truly stunning to behold.

I want to tell you a story. The only way that I can. I am just replacing a man that came before me. One day the world is going to see another man replacing me. Thats just the way its got to be.

Southport pier at sunset, Lancashire, England, UK.

Three trees at sunrise, Cheshire, England, UK.
It was shortly after dawn one February morning over 6 years ago when I made this whilst whizzing around Dunham in the car looking for photographs. I experimented with different compositions at the time, but it became apparent very quickly that this format was going to work. Ask me to comment on why exactly it works is a different story. This I can’t do. I just know that it does. I’ve always been dreadful at trying to critique photographs. Putting words together has never been my forté. That’s why I’m a photographer :-)

Traeth Bychan at sunrise, Llaneugrad, Anglesey, Wales, UK.

Trees at dawn on golf course, Ringway Golf Course, Hale Barns, Cheshire, England, UK.

View over Llyn Celyn towards Bala, Gwynedd, Wales, UK.

For this particular morning, my plan was to be up on top of Mam Tor in the Peak District long before dawn ready to shoot the sunrise over the Hope Valley. Typically though, I managed to oversleep by about an hour. Driving like a man possessed, I witnessed the most beautiful colours in the sky as I tore down the road from the A6 towards the car park. Furious at myself for my ineptitude, I deliberated over bailing and heading back to a warm and toasty bed but decided as I’d come all this way that I may as well see it through. Donning my gear and scrabbling up the path as quickly as possible, I was pleasantly surprised when not only did the sun not disappear behind the clouds as soon as it had crested the horizon, but stayed visible and produced some lovely rays through the high cirrus clouds. Amazing how many people were up there that morning; lots of fell runners, cyclists and several other photographers - all desperate to be up and out of bed at daft o’clock in the morning!

View over the Hope Valley from Mam Tor at dawn.