Link Roundup - 18th May 2008 — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Link Roundup - 18th May 2008

I read a whole stack of other blogs and assorted RSS feeds, so every now and then I thought I'd publish a short list of those I have found most interesting, or that I think would be relevant to other photographers.

  1. Those guys over at the Digital Photography School have compiled a really useful on blog building titled: "10 things to consider when building your rockin' photoblog". It's a follow up to their enlightening article "Why you should consider setting up a photoblog" which was one of the reasons that I set up this blog. Check it out here

2. "10 ways to make Google love your photography site" from is a particularly insightful article detailing the how's and why's to get Google to index your photography site. One of the points I am toying with implementing are html galleries. I totally understand that Google just doesn't like flash, but for me it serves a purpose, and I much prefer the look and feel that can be obtained using flash "out of the box" so to speak. Though I guess what I really need to do is to spend some time creating a DHTML / CSS series of galleries, though I'm afraid that this is one for a rainy day! Click here to read the article

3. have compiled an excellent article on how to make some money from holiday snaps - Here it is.

4. Dan Heller has provided an invaluable insight on new legislation pending in the US. If you are not a US based photographer, then you may think that this of no consequence to you - think again! If your stuff is on the Internet, its worth a read. The article is here.

5. Another interesting article from DPS titled: "Microstock for Digital Photography Students - Make money from your photography." See it here. The article was originally written by Lee Torrens who writes a particularly insightful blog over at the Microstock Diaries. Essentially he's a "hobbyist photographer" who has successfully managed to make several hundred dollars a month from putting his images on Microstock sites to supplement his main income as a web developer. His blog is well worth a read.

Neil AlexanderLinks