Link Roundup 29th May 2008 — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Link Roundup 29th May 2008

1. A funny article from Epic Edits - "7 Bad Habits of Digital Photographers". I have to confess that I have done more than one of these more than once....

2. "4 reasons never to delete images...." from a new blog I'm reading called Light Chasers Photography. Read it, digest it and NEVER do it!!

3. "Organize your pictures in 5 easy kidding!" from Organize Pictures - another new blog I'm following (well new to me anyway). This is one area that I really need to devote some attention to. All my photographs are within 1 folder, and all RAW files are quite well organised within there chronologically (I use Lightroom for more precise organisation), and all Film scans are in another folder (in another Lightroom library). The problem I have is with the plethora of subfolders I have within the main photographs folder, which contain images for print, for various web sites, competition entries. The list goes on and they are in a state of total chaos....

4. "Adobe Photoshop Lightroom vs. Nikon Capture NX". This is a really detailed 3 stage article from  When I first got my D70s several years ago it came bundled with a copy of Nikon Capture NX which I began to use only to get increasingly frustrated with its UI, clumsy image organisation and its inability to handle anything other than NEF files. Then I discovered Lightroom and I've never looked back. There are a few things that CaptureNX does that Lightroom doesn't, and if you buy a Nikon camera its FREE!

5. "5 Steps to create precise keywords for tagging your pictures". If you use a keyword based library application or submit to macro/micro sites, then your keywording skills need to be up to scratch. This is quite a good article if you're struggling with this.

Neil Alexanderlinks