Happy New Year one and all — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Happy New Year one and all

I've been trying to focus this blog more on the photographic content and fewer articles. Mainly as a result of not enough time, too many other areas vying for my attention, and often by the time I get round to posting a news item, most of the other photography blogs have already beaten me to it. Today though, I'm going to break from that as I've a few new news articles to post.

I've just had some photographs in print. Manchester United Supporters Trust have used 9 of the images I shot outside Old Trafford on the night of the Champions League final in May. They've used a selection of these images.

Calumet have announced a new service via their website whereby you can order online and collect in-store. Thus saving yourself delivery costs, and waiting around for the delivery van (that never arrives when you need it to). www.calumetphoto.co.uk

Magnum have gathered together some "advice" for some of their members for new and aspiring photographers. Quite an interesting read. Thoughts from Martin Parr, Alex Soth and many others. Read it here

A new forum has launched for film and darkroom enthusiasts. www.fadu.co.uk already has a great many informed posters detailing thoughts on everything from darkroom process to gear reviews.

The Royal Photographic Society has announced a new competition based on Rejlander's "Two ways of life". When this work appeared in Victorian times, the 32 negative "debauched" composite caused a scandal. One of it's few alleged admirers was Queen Victoria herself. The RPS's competition asks entrants to combine and alter images to create a modern interpretation of this masterpiece. www.rps.org

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