Just how much fun can you have on one evening — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Just how much fun can you have on one evening

Just a quick post today - the portfolio and blog site improvements / changes continue and have taken up far too much of my time already! 

Go Karting at 3 Sisters, Wigan

The week before last I was invited by an old friend to join a group of his buddies go-karting at the 3 sisters track in Wigan. Being a bloke and still a kid at heart, I could hardly say no. Nor could I bring myself to leave my camera at home! It was a great opportunity to practice my panning skills and as the best part of the track at which to shoot was directly in line with the setting sun, it proved almost as challenging as trying to thrash as much speed out of the little karts whilst staying on the track and avoiding being overtaken.

That's it for today. Have a great weekend y'all!
