Revisiting Vietnam — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Revisiting Vietnam

H'Mong women engrossed in conversation (Click for larger)

 Short and sweet today. I shot my first and dare I say it, last wedding on Sunday which, as it lasted all day, means that my week is already a little out of kilter. I've also had hammered home this week the importance of key-wording, captioning and rating images as I go. I've had to do some selects for a new client which has involved going back through the last 2 or 3 years worth of travel and landscape images. Only in doing so, I've discovered just how lazy I have been in the past which has ended up making this a pain staking and rather drawn out task and it has taken far longer than I had anticipated. On the plus side, I have managed to find quite a significant number of usable images that I had previously by-passed. There are also quite a few up on my gallery that I think warrant removal - it's funny how one's appreciation for an image can change with time. To today's images. These two were both made in Can Cau market in Sapa, North Vietnam not far from the Chinese border. An amazingly colourful and lively scene - a real sensory assault.

H'Mong baby in cute outift on mother's back (Click for larger)