Football Fans Project — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Football Fans Project

Bolton 6 Originally uploaded by jacobsdad

Well I'm pretty close to finishing the Football Fans Project I've been working on for the last few months. I need a few more crowd shots, which I hope to get tonight at the Roma game. I'm still undecided on the exact title. "15 Minutes" has been suggested a few times, as the project is primarily concerned with the pie and a pint routine at half time (though at Old Trafford, its now a hotdog and a lukewarm plastic bottle of Budweiser - ugh!). For the intro page I wanted a good football orientated quote. I've searched for quite some time for this, and also asked several fans about what football means to them. But the most appropriate quote I can find, and for me pretty much sums football up, is Fergie's quote after winning the European Cup in Barca in '99. So I'm thinking it will be quite simple and read something like this:

"Football. Bloody Hell!

Sir Alex Ferguson, Barcelona, May 1999