David nails Goliath! — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

David nails Goliath!

Some time ago a local property developer submitted plans to demolish our local village centre, which has served the local community well for over 30 years with a behemoth of a development towering above everything in site. It was grossly oversized and all in the name of greed. We would have had to endure 2 years construction and no local amenities for this time too. As we quite literally overlook the site it would have been an absolute nightmare. Admittedly, the area is looking a tad tired and dated, but it doesn't help that CityBranch, the landlords and proposed developer have upped all the tennants rents with a view to booting them out so that they didn't have to buy out their leases should the plans be accepted. But the result is that there are now several empty units. The local council (Trafford) initally approved the plans, much to everyone's disgust. A residents' response committee was formed and a decision to appeal against the plans taken, and the Deputy Prime Minister's office informed. Long story short. After a great deal of time and effort (and money) a decision was eventually reached. The announcement was due in mid February, and as this deadline slipped by and nothing was heard, we all assumed the worst. That was until last night. And the appeal has been dismissed, so the plans have been rejected. HALLELUJAH! So now CityBranch have loads of empty units and less rent coming in - serves them right the money grabbing *#!?'{}***! Many many thanks go to Tony Woolf, Rev Rob Hinton and the rest of the committee that worked tirelessly in proving that there is at least some small semblance of common sense left in this world. Read more here: www.hbrr.co.uk

Neil AlexanderOff-topic