Competitions to enter.... — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Competitions to enter....

Well here it is, another week. Back to the grind and all that. Too much drinking and not enough shooting over the weekend I'm afraid, so little in the way of new photographs to post. I do however have a few competition links for you.

1) Travel Photographer of the Year 2008 -
Open to pros and amateurs alike. Closing date is 9th September, and there are 3 categories - Life, Call of the Wild and Joy of Travel. There are stacks of prizes including a Linhof Technorama panoramic camera.

2) Take a View 2008 -
Charlie Waite's landscape competition has a total prize fund of £20,000 and winning images will feature as part of an exhibition at the National Theatre.

3) International Garden Photographer of the Year 2009 -
Details are still being finalised, but the closing date is 31st Jan 2009. There are seven categories and the entry fee is £10 for 4 photographs.

4) Curry's "Our Lives" competition - has a first prize of a £10,000 holiday at stake and closes for entries at the end of this month. Winners to be announced on 16th August.

5) The Nikon Photo Contest International 2008 - 2009 -
Entries to be submitted between 1st Sept and 30th November. "

"At the heart of the image" is not only the brand statement of Nikon Imaging Company, but it is also the theme for the 32nd contest, in which entries are invited in two categories. The first category is free subject and the second is entitled "My Planet," and entries to each category are accepted as prints sent by conventional mail or as JPEG images sent via the Internet. With this theme and these categories, we look forward to receiving expressive images from around the world that are true to people's emotions."

6) The Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize 2008 - closes for online registration in 6 days. Submissions should be received by post between the 21st & 25th July. £12,000 and a rather prestigious award are at stake - so get your entries in!!

Finally, on You Tube there are a series of bizarre videos by a student from California who puts a D3 through a series of "tests" such as microwaving the camera for a minute, dropping it from a second floor balcony and covering it in a range of foods and then washing them by pouring jugs of water over it. Quite why anyone would to do this is beyond me, but impressively the camera comes through all these apparently completely unscathed! Check them out here:

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