Problems Problems... — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Problems Problems...

It's gonna be one of dem days! Late start this morning as I had to drop my car off at Audi for them to repair the Gearbox ECU. Fortunately, even though the car is 12 months outside its warranty Audi are going to throw the part in for free, which helps as its about £1500!! But it meant a late start and sitting around waiting for the loner car to be sorted out etc etc. Then when I do finally get into the office, I see that I've got some major disk problems on my primary desktop. The drive on which I store Lightroom galleries and RAW files is reporting no free space, and the drive on which I have 250GB of music appears to have lost half of its contents. For some bizarre reason its not showing anything in Windows Explorer after the letter I, though if I type in the folder name (eg The Police) it'll browse to it no probs. The music is still showing up in iTunes, but its a bit concerning! Its a 250GB Maxtor and I'm wondering if its on its way out. I do have duplicates, but copying that much data is no mean feat.

So while I fart about with my desktop and try and get it back up to speed again, I've been working on an Amazon store for the website on my trusty laptop. Any extra way of brining in a little more revenue isn't to be sniffed at, and Amazon's A-Store is a rather nifty set up. Ok, the commission rates aren't great, but hey it's taken me like a couple of hours, and I'm up and running. Check it out here, and PLEASE get your wallet out Winking

Neil Alexander