More wintry scenes — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

More wintry scenes

[caption id="attachment_740" align="aligncenter" width="650" caption="Snowy fence in the Bollin Valley by Neil Alexander"]

[/caption] Here's another couple of images shot in the midst of the worst snow since the last lot of really bad snow. The first image was made on the way down to the Bollin Valley from Hale Barns. The second image was made about half a mile away on the same night. I found this spot where the car lights would make a windy pattern along the road, but there were so few people around that night (it was the night after the really heavy snowfall in the north west of England earlier this month), I had to wait an eternity for a car to come past. In the end I got this 4x4 snaking around in the snow, shot at F22 for 30 seconds at 45mm on the 17-55 F2.8.

[caption id="attachment_738" align="aligncenter" width="650" caption="Lights in the snow by Neil Alexander"]
