A model, a strobe and the moon... — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

A model, a strobe and the moon...

I was working on some fresh head shots with Kayleigh on location in Trafford Park, Manchester last week and shortly before we started to wrap up, I spotted the moon high up in the sky with a cloudless sky around it. I figured it would make quite a cool image if I could get enough light on Kayleigh yet still get a clear moon in the background. Using the 105mm F2.8 I stopped it down to F16, mainly in an attempt to get something vaguely resembling a moon shape rather than just a white blur, ran up my ISO to 400 and made this exposure at 1/60 second. I used one SB900 in my large trusty Lastolite Ezybox at zero compensation using TTL. The wind was whipping around, and anchoring the sail-like Ezybox whilst lying on the floor shooting up at Kayleigh wasn't exactly a pretty site, but after a dozen frames or so I think we nailed it.

Kayleigh by Neil Alexander (Click for larger)