Engagement shoot with Jay and Vicky — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Engagement shoot with Jay and Vicky

Jay and Vicky (Click for larger)

The morning of that fateful night at Wembley for the Champions League final I shot Jay and Vicky just round the corner from their home for their engagement. Time was very tight for all of us to say the least, but within around 30 minutes of dropping a light stand, we were wrapping up and I was heading off down to London. Jay, using his local knowledge, provided a couple of options for location and we opted for this one which was a little public footpath over a stream. Fortunately no-ones managed to invent smello-prints yet because the stream absolutely stank. Like really badly! I used just the one SB900 in a large Lastolite Ezybox and triggered this with the pop-up flash using Nikon's iTTL system. Both images were shot at 1/125 sec at F2.8, the top image using an ISO of 800 because of the decreased ambient light under the trees and the bottom one at 200 as the couple were more out in the open.

Jay and Vicky (Click for larger)