Maltese motors — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Maltese motors

Another Maltese based post... Friday's topic will not be, in case you're getting a little sick of them.....Whilst out there on my last trip I was asked to shoot some cars. Not just any old cars mind, but three classics.

HDR image of a 1970's Rover 2000 TC in Malta

The Maltese are big to the point of fanatical on old British motor cars. They're often snapped up as beaten up old rusting hulks in the UK, shipped over to Malta and then painstakingly restored by hand with their new carers having to source parts from their networks all over the world.

These 3 particular cars in question were a Rover 2000 TC, a Triumph Spitfire Mk2 and a pre-war Morris.

I tried to arrange to shoot them as early as possible in the morning in order to minimse the harshness of the light, but even by 8am I could tell that I was going to have my work cut out. Between them these 3 cars have won quite a few awards in various competitions across Europe, so the primary goal of the shoot was to get a few great images of the owners with the cars and trophies. But I'm not going to post these, mainly because I really wasn't happy with what I ended up with. The clients were thrilled, but I just felt that we could have done better. It was a real struggle to find sufficient shade against a suitable backdrop in a space big enough to drop some lights and make quality imagery. (I only had a couple of SB900s with me and I really needed about 10 times that to balance with the sunlight) The photographs of the cars on their own were much easier to do and I really like them. They're all 3 or 5 frame HDRs processed in HDR Efex Pro.

HDR image of a pre-war Morris in Malta
HDR image of a pre-war Morris in Malta

HDR image of a 1970's Rover 2000 TC in Malta

HDR image of a Triumph Spitfire Mk2 in Malta
Classic pre-war Morris, Spitfire Mk2 and Rover 2000TC