Misty trees by the river Bollin — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Misty trees by the river Bollin

Misty trees by the River Bollin (Click to view larger)

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One from the archives for you today. Taken around spring last year down by one of my photographic "muses" - the river Bollin in deepest Cheshire. Shot using a Lensbaby Composer to give the selective focus before I had a tilt/shift, sorry perspective control lens, this image was taken around the same time I shot the "Swinging Tyre". Tweaked a little in Lightroom and then processed in Nik's Silver Efex Pro 2. I made several different compositions (including this one) and had completely bypassed this particular frame but have since come back to it. It's now my favourite from the set. I only wish that I'd been able to put a person in between the two trees at the end of the path as it goes into the distance, though from memory it was a) very very damp and b) I really needed to be elsewhere about an hour ago. Still, it was well worth running late as I got some great images that morning.