Bollin Valley — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Bollin Valley

Neil Alexander Photography Portfolio Site Screenshot

 It's been a bit of a manic week, so I've not a great deal to post today. Aside from overhauling the home page of my main website with some crafty jQuery as I've long wanted a full screen image slideshow (check it out here - I've still a little left to do, like overlay a logo but the nuts of it are there), I've spent a little time going through some older images and experimenting a little more with Nik's Color Efex Pro 4. This image I shot in Spring of last year down in the Bollin Valley, not too far from home.

Silky Bollin, Neil Alexander (Click for larger)

It's a 9 minute exposure (541 seconds to be exact) made using my Singh Ray VariND filter and though liking the composition, I was never very happy with my processing. Having spent a little time with it in Color Efex 4, I feel it's a much stronger image. I've applied 'midnight' and then 'foliage' filters to it, and then tweaked the fill and recovery in Lightroom afterwards. The image below is the original image straight from camera with it's off white balance and everyfink.

Silky Bollin, Neil Alexander (Click for larger)

Wish there was more time to post, but I'm afraid there's too much business going on....