Ultra-violet or UV filters. Why I feel they're uneccessary. — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Ultra-violet or UV filters. Why I feel they're uneccessary.

 Last week I was party to a rather heated exchange over on the Digital Photography School titled "Lens Filters: To Use or Not To Use? Your 2 cents, if you please!" here. So I thought that for today's blog post I would relate what I do, and my opinion on some of the points raised.

Some of you are probably thinking "What do I even need filters for when I'm using a digital camera?". Well there's several reasons, and several different kinds of filters. Gone are the days of using red, yellow and blue filters for black and white film, but the likes of polarisers and neutral density filters are still very relevant. So, let's start with the basics. The first and probably most used filter is a UV, or Ultra-violet filter. Whether these are actually of any use or not is an oft-debated point. Creatively they serve little or no purpose. In the right circumstances they may cut out a little superfluous UV and possibly prevent some lens flare (and can be very useful in hazy situations in high altitudes), but most people who do use them, pop them on simply to protect the front element of their lens. In the grand scheme of things, I feel this to be unnecessary for the following reasons:

  • Why put a piece of cheap glass on the front of a lens that could have cost several thousand pounds, potentially causing problems with the resultant image? The front element of any lens is generally the cheapest part to repair, and if being as careful as possible isn't enough (I grant you that accidents do happen), then this is what I have insurance for.
  • To protect the end of the lens, I'll use a lens hood. Lenses come with these for a reason and should not be kept reversed on the lens! Here's a prime example on the right. Lens protection is essentially what a hood is designed for, that and trying to negate any unwanted lens-flare. I use lens hoods all the time. In fact I think I only have one lens that I don't use with a lens hood and that's only because I've lost it.

The best lens hood I've ever purchased is this Mamiya rubber lens hood

Mamiya Lens Hood for All Lenses 127mm to 250mm (with 77mm Filter Size) for RB67 and RZ67 - Squashes almost flat for easy transportation

It's made from very sturdy rubber so provides extra protection and squashes up quite flat to save room in my bag, unlike the larger manufacturers' plastic hoods.

Nikon HB-29 Lens Hood (Bayonet) for 70-200mm f/2.8 G-AFS Lens (Replacement)

The long and the short of it is that as with everything in this game - it's all a matter of choice. There's no right and wrong. Just do what you feel comfortable with. However, if you are going to use a UV filter, DON'T buy the cheapest one you can find. Spend a few extra bob and get a decent one, please!

As always, I'd love to hear from you. If you've any comments, feel free to post in the comments below or drop me an email. Next week I'll post more on polarisers and neutral density filters. Watch this space.

Finally, before I sign off I thought I'd share a few frames I made in Manchester last week when the Queen and Prince Philip came to Manchester as part of her Diamond Jubilee Celebrations. Pop over to the Demotix wire service site here
