Re-processing old images in Lightroom 5 — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Re-processing old images in Lightroom 5

Today as you may or may not be aware is the closing date for entries into the Landscape Photographer of the Year competition for which I've previously been shortlisted. As a result this last couple of weeks I've been pouring over my image archive trying to whittle down my entries. In addition, with the enhancements in the new version of Lightroom, I decided to revisit the processing of some of my older images. What you see below are the results of some further tweaks using the new radial filter tool and advanced adjustment brush.

Mouse over for captions, and click on the link under the caption to view larger.

The beauty of these new features in Lightroom is that I now have to make fewer and fewer roundtrips into Photoshop. That makes huge time savings in my workflow. On top of that the new smart preview feature is an absolute life saver. I will do a further post in the future with my thoughts on the new features and enhancements.