Desktop Wallpaper for July 2013 — Manchester based professional photographer | Neil Downie

Desktop Wallpaper for July 2013

Wow. We're over half way through the year already and summer is here, I think, though you wouldn't think it looking out my office window today. So as another month is about to draw to a close, it means it's time for another desktop wallpaper. This image was made around 4 years ago one lovely winter's evening. Do you recognise it? Read on.... Alternatively download for your computer's desktop here.

I'm running a little competition running revolving around this photograph, but to be eligible and party to the competition details you need to be in my "Image of the Month" club. Sign up here - you've got to be in it to win it!

If it's more than a desktop wallpaper that you're looking for, then you can purchase prints or a commercial license for this image here.

Before I sign off for another week, I thought I'd include a few of the better links that I've found worth sharing on the social networks over the last few weeks. If you're on Twitter then feel free to follow me - I'm @NeilAlexanderD or on Facebook at

Download Instructions

Windows Users

Method 1:

1. Click on the link that matches your screen resolution to open the image in a new browser window (if you do not know what your screen resolution is you can find out by right-clicking on an empty area of your desktop, select Properties, then the Settings tab, and it will show you the Screen Resolution on the right-hand side of the box)

2. In the new browser window that has opened with the image in it, right-click and select Set as Wallpaper or Set as Background.

3. Your wallpaper will now appear on your desktop

Method 2:

1. Follow the steps as above but instead of selecting Set as Background, select Save Image As. Change the file name if you with, and save the file wherever you wish to store it.

2. Right-click on an empty area of your desktop, select Properties, then the Background tab.

3. Click on the Browse button and find the image file where you saved it, select it, then click OK.

4. Your wallpaper will now appear on your desktop

Mac Users

1. Click on the link that matches your screen resolution to open the image in a new browser window (if you do not know what your screen resolution is you can find out by clicking on the apple, select System Preferences, then Displays).

2. Ctrl-click on the image in the new window, select Download Image to Disk and save in a place you will remember

3. Hold down Ctrl and - at the same time - click on your desktop

4. Choose Change Desktop Background and click on the Desktop tab in the Desktop & Screensaver pop-up menu.

5. Select Choose Folder, Desktop and navigate to the downloaded image then click Choose (bottom right) and close the Desktop & Screensaver menu. 6. Your wallpaper will now appear on your desktop