The office is closed for a spot of..... decorating.
Even with goggles and a mask, my face and hair seem to be turning white.
Not able to post a great deal this week as the entire office is under dust sheets. Now that I'm back from Ibiza, I've embarked on stage 2 of the man cave office makeover whilst things are quiet over the summer. My vinyl collection has spent too many years stashed away in the back of the garage gathering dust and feeling neglected. Since moving house, I've now the space to brush off the cobwebs and get the SL1200s fired up again. Music is a huge part of my life but whilst I've dragged the thousands of records I own with me from home to home, and have been under intense pressure to dispose of them, I've rarely listened to any of them in more than a decade.
How it looked when I moved in.
A couple of weeks later.....
So finally I have the space to build myself a proper little set up so I can actually play a record or two. The first stage was to remove the little kitchen that I had, which as I'm only yards from the house, I have no need of. I then got a great joiner I know to build me a unit which will store most of my collection. That part was finished the day before I went on holiday, so I had to leave it looking like this.
The next step was to paint it..... I couldn't stand the thought of looking at bare MDF day after day so before I begin to fill it, I've borrowed a Wagner paint spray system and set to work. It's not as straight forward as it might sound, and after three coats, no matter how well I cover up, my hair is slowly turning white and I am finding increasing numbers of white eyelashes and noise hairs!
Fingers crossed another three or four days of downtime, and I'll be able to start filling the racks and get the turntables set up once again......
Storage and turntable top built. Now to make it white.......
Can't wait to get these fired up again.